1/600 Merchant Ships

MR1 250 ton Coaster (120′ coastal freighter used in all theaters) …… $6.00

MR3 1200 ton Freighter ………………..$10.00

MR4 800 Ton German Coaster ………………..$9.00

MR5 700 ton Coaster ( Generic straight stem coastal transport) …..$7.00

MR6 Two Masted Schooner (with optional armament to make Axis “Q-Schooner” decoy escort craft) .…$5.00

MR7 Tanker Barge (150′ former river craft used for coastal transport)…….$5.00

MR8 750 ton Coastal Tanker……………………….$6.75

MR9 300 Ton Coastal Tramp Steamer (can be made for World War 1 or World War 2)……$7.00

MR1 250 ton Coaster (120′ coastal freighter used in all theaters) 


MR3 1200 Ton Merchant

MR3 1200 Ton Merchant


3 Responses

  1. Are there any plans or illustrations of the MR6 Schooner? I’m not sure what the tiny pieces or the square chunk is suppose to be.

  2. Hiya, IF I want to place an order how do that?

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